Grunsten’s Law

The probability (p) that you understand a problem is inversely proportional to your distance (d) from the problem.

If you are a hundred feet away from the problem, the probability (p) that you understand it is p=1/100 or 1%

If you are standing one foot away from the problem, the probability (p) that you understand it is p=1/1 or 100%

Examples of Grunsten’s Law in action:


Basically refers to managers spending some part of their time listening to problems and ideas of their staff, while wandering around an office or plant. Description: Management by Walking Around is a term coined by management guru Tom Peters.     — The Economic Times

Undercover Boss (Television series)

“High-level corporate execs leave the comfort of their offices and secretly take low-level jobs within their companies to find out how things really work and what their employees truly think of them. This Emmy-winning reality series utilizes hidden cameras to provide an authentic view of executives’ journeys as they are immersed in the day-to-day operations of their organizations. In the process of this undercover mission, they learn of the perceptions about their companies, the spirit of their work forces and — maybe — something about themselves as well.” — Google