The Making of a Manager

The Making of a Manager

In my years managing manufacturing plants in various cities in Mexico I learned something remarkable about some of our supervisory and administrative personnel. It had something to do with birth order in their families. In large families the elder female child is basically put in charge of her siblings. She has to make sure they behave, do their chores and homework, and get them to bed at the end of the day. They represent their children in front of the parents. If they want to do something special, the oldest daughter asks for permission. I first became aware of this with our oldest daughter when her three siblings were misbehaving and my wife scolded her. I asked why she did that, her answer: “Because she’s the oldest”.

Returning to my daughter’s story, the event I mention was when she was ten years old. By the time she was 20 she had 10 years of management experience. She is currently a senior vice-president of a bank.

I went on to find that the women supervisors and professionals in the plants were indeed the oldest female among their siblings. It appeared that being the eldest daughter in the family is excellent preparation for leadership.

Spanish Translation

En mis años administrando plantas de manufactura en varias ciudades de México, aprendí algo notable sobre algunos de nuestros supervisores y personal administrativo. Tenía algo que ver con el orden de nacimiento en sus familias. En las familias numerosas, la hija mayor básicamente se encarga de sus hermanos. Ella se asegurar de que se porten bien, hagan sus quehaceres y deberes, y los lleve a la cama al final del día. Si quieren hacer algo especial, la hija mayor pide permiso. Me di cuenta de esto por primera vez con nuestra hija mayor cuando sus tres hermanos se estaban portando mal y mi esposa la regañó. Le pregunté por qué hacía eso, su respuesta: “Porque es la mayor”. El evento que menciono fue cuando ella tenía diez años. Ya cuando cumplió 20 años, tenía 10 años de experiencia en administración. Actualmente es vicepresidenta de un banco.

Continué y descubrí que las supervisoras y profesionales en mis plantas eran, de hecho, las mujeres de mayor edad entre sus hermanos. Parecía que ser la hija mayor es excelente preparación para el liderazgo.


— Mike Grunsten (2021)